Akoko has a straightforward and honest personality, and acts immediately on what she thinks, unable to lie to herself or others. By her side is her best friend since third grade, Miyuki, who she has known since they were in elementary school. On the first day of school at the start of the new semester, Naoki, the most popular boy in school and the driving force behind attending the all-girls school, has unexpectedly repeated a year and is now in the same grade as the two of them! Akoko falls in love with Naoki at first sight and begins to approach him in a very straightforward manner. Miyuki declares that she doesn’t like him, saying “I think he’s cool, but it doesn’t feel like love,” but Akoko senses Miyuki’s suspicious movements. The first to strike wins! She confesses her feelings to Naoki.
Atashino! (2024) HD RAW
Atashino! , You Are Mine!
Country: Japan
Actors: Masaya KimuraMiho WatanabeNagisa SaitoNicole FujitaOda IshinYusei Kasai
Genres: Japan Movie, Romance, Youth
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Movie: Atashi no! Country: Japan Release Date: Nov 8, 2024 Duration: 1 hr. 42 min. Content Rating: G - All Ages
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