Depicts the beautiful love and dreams of Won Gyeong and Yi Bang Won who recognized each other at first sight. It is a fateful romance of the first meeting between them, who shared the same dream before embracing the world. Won Gyeong and Bang Won in the late Goryeo Dynasty were lovers who freely shared their love, free from the rules and gaze of the palace before the conflict between the two took hold, the time they shared was filled with love.
The Queen Who Crowns: Before Sunrise (2025) HD RAW
The Queen Who Crowns: Dano's Destiny , Wongyeong: Dano's Destiny , Wongyeong: Danoui Inyeon
2025 30 min
Now showing: Episode 2 RAW
Country: South Korea
Director: Kim Sang Ho
Actors: Cha Joo YoungLee Hyun Wook
Genres: Comedy, History, Korean Drama, Romance
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Drama: The Queen Who Crowns: Before Sunrise Country: South Korea Episodes: 2 Aired: Jan 21, 2025 Aired On: Tuesday Original Network: TVING Duration: 30 min. Content Rating: 15+ - Teens 15 or older
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