Archers of Amazon (2024)

Archers of Amazon (2024) ENGSUB - HD

Amazon Bow Master , Amazon Hwal Myung Soo , Amajon Hwalmyeongsu

113 min

Country: South Korea

Director: Kim Chang-ju

Actors: Jin Seon-kyuRyu Seung-ryongYeom Hye-ran

Genres: Korean Drama

4.36/ 5 5 votes


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Movie: Archers of Amazon Country: South Korea Release Date: Oct 30, 2024 Content Rating: Not Yet Rated

Movie plot

The story is about a former medalist, Jin Bong, who takes on the role of coach of the national archery team in the Amazon remote region, meets an indigenous warrior with god-given archery skills and an interpreter, Bbang Sik, and prepares to compete at the World Championships held in Korea.

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