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Drama: Mouse Country: South Korea Episodes: 20 Aired: Mar 3, 2021 - May 19, 2021 Aired On: Wednesday, Thursday Original Network: tvN Duration: 1 hr. 15 min. Content Rating: 18+ Restricted (violence & profanity)

Movie plot

Jung Ba Reum (Lee Seung-gi) is a rookie police officer, working at a police substation whose life changes when he encounters a psychopathic serial killer. This drives him and his partner Go Moo Chi (Lee Hee-joon) to unearth the truth behind psychopathic behaviors. This also raises the questions, whether it is possible to scan a psychopath in the mother’s womb using fetal genetic testing? And if the child in the womb is a psychopath, will it be wise to have that childuu Written by T

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